Twisted Lemon Films
Make a movie with us
Film courses training and education

Film portfolio
Broke in the City
"When his fiancé cheats on him, Jack flies to a foreign city to heal a broken heart. What happens there will change his life forever".
This is our logline challenge, the logline above says nothing about this story.
Our students are challenged to create a 25 word logline to really tell us what this story is actually about.
Its a complex challenge as writing a great logline is a real art-form. How to get across the plot, emotional story arc and make it punchy and appealing in order to sell the screenplay.
A logline is a concise summary that captures the essence of the story and is often used to pitch the screenplay to industry professionals.

Broke in the City

The Bird Whisperer
He charms the birds from the trees
The Bird Whisperer
He charms the birds from the trees
The Bird Whisperer is a short comedy screenplay we use for our film courses. Students are encouraged to edit the script, create story boards and shoot the film in their own personal style.
Larry is determined to impress his new girlfriend Grace with a weekend in the country, but Grace is not impressed when she discovers he has taken her on a bird watching weekend. Grace would rather a nice hotel than a torturous night on a hard bed in Larry’s battered camper van.
Larry convinces Grace he can charm a wood pigeon with the bird mating call he has learned from his hero's book "The Bird Whisperer".
They take a walk through the forest and Larry gets to work with his wood pigeon calls, soon a pigeon responds and Grace is shocked that it actually works. But Larry charms more than he bargained for in this hilarious short comedy with a wicked twist at the end.